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The Marist College Ashgrove Master Plan is a bold statement of confidence in the College’s future. It’s about growth and it’s about quality

The first redevelopment of this scale since the school was founded in 1940, the College has secured approval for a series of projects that will guide the evolution of our campus over the next 40 years. 

This is a very exciting time to be a member of our College community. Decisions we make today will define the future of this great school.


We're investing in the Master Plan to:

My dream is that Marist College Ashgrove will always be a vibrant community of families living in the Marist way and sharing a campus that shows the boys we value their learning and the holistic nature of their education—academically, spiritually, culturally, socially, and on the sporting fields—in the spirit of the Gospels, under the patronage of Mary, and sharing in the vision of St. Marcellin Champagnat.

I invite you to join us in meeting these exciting opportunities and challenges by being part of the ASHgrow Project.

Michael Newman,
Head of College


📞 +61 7 3858 4555
📩📌 142 Frasers Rd Ashgrove Q 4060

PO Box82 Ashgrove West Q 4060


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